One should understand that a logo is an essential part of a brand because, as a consumer, that’s the first thing you see on any product/service. Tables have turned, the Logo has become a part of the branding process. Consistent branding has proven to increase 33% profit. Designing a good logo is very important in today’s era because it speaks for itself and a brand’s agenda. And of course, one should keep in mind the important factors in logo designing, which are as follows;
1. Simple; it needs to be easy to understand.
2. Memorable; Easy to recall.
3. Ageless; Everlasting and surviving trends.
4. Reliable; It’sIt’s flexible and Scalable.
5. Thoughtful; it needs to be creative, precise, and effectively personify the brand’s quality.
In other words, the Logo needs to be S.M.A.R.T., which will help you stand out in a bucket full of competition.
An increase in digitalization has made it easier for people to steal your craft and sell it as their own; this left businesses in dire straits. Often businesses don’t even know how their ideas were stolen or misused. Usually, this happens due to a lack of knowledge about one’s rights and what can be done to prevent them. So, with modern problems, we need a modern solution.
LOGO BUG is a digital on-screen graphic, widely known as D.O.G., which is a watermark/ trademark logo that is often placed at a corner of the screen of a program/poster to identify the brand. It gives brand recognition and declares ownership of that video/ picture. Logo Bug reduces copyright infringement; this will help you and your followers know who is the real owner of the content created.
The benefit of Having a Logo Bug?
1. Brand Recognition.
2. Lower the rate of copyright infringements.
3. It will make you stand out.
4. It makes it easier to recall.
5. Build Loyalty.
6. Higher R.O.I.
Let’s form an understanding of trademarks.
“There are three commonly used trademark symbols: T.M., S.M., and the little Rin a circle ®”
— Kelley Keller
(Trademark expert, intellectual property attorney Kelley Keller)
Trademark (T.M.), represents goods. A service mark (S.M.) represents service, whereas ® is reserved for a mark registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark office.
These marks have no legal significance; however, it is advised to use them. In a way, you’ll be informing the general public about your branding rights, which means discouraging others from copying products or services. The use of federal registration can only be done if the good/service has been listed in the registration, if one fails to use the mark, then the defendant is not liable to pay for the loss of profit.
In conclusion, brand logos play a significant role in building consumer loyalty and recognition in the market. And often, businesses ‘ creative ideas are taken without consent and are not given credit for. Unfortunately, these copyright issues are on the rise, and we need something to protect our craft or intellectual property. Logo Bug has helped protect what is lawful in every other business and has reduced the chances of infringement over the years.
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