The Greatest Guide To Happiness Even In Times Of Tribulations

Mak Peter
4 min readJan 8, 2021


Have you been experiencing tribulations, hardships, pains, or any challenges lately? Has it been tough for you? Worry not, for it is all just a test for the God All-Mighty. He tests the best of us to strengthen our faith in Himself. He has a plan for all of us, and He wants us to be patient and accept that His plans are without flaws and corruption.

Jesus Christ has assured us that there will be many hardships and tribulations along the way. But does that mean we stop hoping? Does that mean we lose the faith we have in God? Does that mean we stop hoping for better things in life? Does that mean we give up all the optimism? No! Olayinka Akisanya, in her bookSurviving The Opposite, has highlighted and elaborated how to handle a life full of unexpected troubles and unfulfilled expectations. She advises us to be closer to God because that’s the best and only way to flourish in this life, and in the one that follows.

Fear Of The Lord

God is merciful, and He assures that he who demands forgiveness and redemption; shall be rewarded it. All He asks of us is that we submit ourselves to Him and obey Him no matter how hard life gets. After all, that is what life is — it keeps knocking you down until you stop believing in yourself and finally, give up.

Steer Clear Of Resentment

The Holy Bible states in Ecclesiastes (7:9): “Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools”. The best way to keep ourselves clean of resentment, hatred, and jealousy is to fill our hearts with the love of God. We must stay humble in times of trials, and keep believing that they are sent from God, and they are for our good.

Faith Is Crucial

Modest faith in God results in the greatest of things. He, who has a rock-solid faith in his Creator, will never be disappointed. The Bible states in John (7:38): “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” The Holy Book also says in Hebrews (11:6): “And without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”

Gifts And Blessings

God works mysteriously. He always knows what is best for us, even when we know not. We think about something and how badly we want it, and then we turn to God. Sometimes we get it, and sometimes we don’t. We should pray to Him that if the thing we want is good for us, then grant us with it; and if it’s not good for us, then keep it away from us no matter how bad our desire for it is. Pleasing Him is the best way to flourish in life.

We need to hold on to our optimism, no matter how hard times get because when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. We need to stay humble and polite and leave the rest to the All-Mighty. Hallelujah!

Author’s Bio:

Olayinka Olusola Akisanya is a woman of strong faith, who has always been close to God. She has written the book “Surviving The Opposite” (ASIN B08462WDJ8) to help people navigate difficult situations in accordance with Christianity. She is a devoted child of God who has a message of God’s Relentless Acts of Compassion and Empowerment (GRACE) for this and every generation. Her books, like her life, encapsulate and lay bare before us the amazing strength we can draw from the word of God in dire straits of life’s journey. Olayinka is a humble, multi-talented woman of God who lives in the United States of America.

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