Isn’t there a thrill in uncertainty?

Mak Peter
4 min readFeb 17, 2021


Since the dawn of time, the human race has been trying to fathom life. The questions relating to our existence remain unanswered and an enigma. Why do we die? Where do we go after we die? Do we pilot our lives, or is it all fate? Is our life anything really but a glitch in the matrix? How will the world come to an end if it does? How long do we have? We have been living for years, yet we remain in search of answers to these questions. Well, is it not uncertainty and mystery that make life enthralling and compelling? What would you do if you know your reason? How life and fate are intertwined? Can you imagine how your life would be if you knew what hauls you towards your deathbed and just when?

Our ambitions help us persist, and life ended without achieving our dreams is a life not lived but squandered. We are bound to make many decisions throughout our lifetime — some simple while others tangled like a labyrinth. Every decision we make and every choice we opt for is a choice against another. We question ourselves all our lives if the opportunity cost was the one we should have chosen. We wonder how different our lives would be if we did one thing differently. But we can never really know that, can we? Life remains a mystery throughout.

“As Fate Would Have It” by “Art Dinick’’ is a book based on true stories from the author’s life. It is a compilation of events that happened around thirty years ago in his life. He starts with a race car accident he was involved in and what it was like — encountering a life and death situation. He talks about how time stood still while his lifelong joyful and blue memories flashed in front of his eyes. He elaborates about the things he regretted doing and how they evoked as he stared death right in the eyes. He had no intention of publishing until after his friends encouraged him to convert the drafts into a book. Through this book, he aims to encourage others to keep going and face all the challenges life lays in front of them.

Was it fated to happen?

During the course of life, almost every occurrence makes us wonder if it was fated to happen, or was it a part of Edward Lorenz’s Butterfly Effect Theory. We ask ourselves if we have the authority over our lives or are just being functioned by higher supremacy.

Family first

Family, our always and forever, is our constant, and they are the ones we can trust, no matter what happens. They are the ones who stick with us through our sunny days and cloudy days, tenaciously. It is a tough decision when you have to choose between your passion and family because whatever your decision is, passing on the opportunity will hurt.

Passions versus family

What do you do when your passions require you to leave behind your family? Or if your family needs you to abandon your life long ambitions? At this point, you have no third option. You know that regardless of what you choose, the consequences will be upsetting. That is what life is.

Memories matter

Memories are the moments from your past that you relive throughout your life. You hold on to them because they either teach you the most or they bring a smile to your face. When your life flashes before your eyes, the memories you have would be your only source of satisfaction. And satisfaction will comfort you at that time. Hence, try and make as many memories as possible.

Life rarely grants second chances, so if you are amongst those few lucky individuals who have the odds in your favor, do not let it rot and go to waste.

Live thy life to the fullest!

Author’s Bio:

Art Dinick wrote many drafts from his life thirty years ago when he was involved in a deadly race car accident. He then compiled those drafts into a book which he titled “As Fate Would Have It.” He is a person who thrives on helping ambitious and enthusiastic people. The idea of him helping all the people with dreams and ambitions compelled him to publish this book.

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