How to Elect the Right Leader for your Country

Mak Peter
3 min readApr 26, 2021


As responsible citizens, it is incumbent upon us to not only use our right to vote but also use it wisely. Electing the president or the prime minister can define how the next 5 years will run.

Aron K. Govil, in his book, “A Nation of Sheep Will is Ruled by a Trump,” expounds on all the aspects where Americans lack as a nation. He describes the importance of selecting the right leader and discusses how the wrong mentality of our nation led us to elect a president like Trump. He sheds light on Trump’s presidency and states how things went downhill for America since then. Sharing rational viewpoints, he emphasizes the prevalent problems in society and gives solutions to overcome them. And reiterates the importance of restoring democracy again in America. Grab a copy, and stay politically intelligent by developing your insight on America’s political systems.

Below are some effective ways through which you can learn how to wisely select your leader

Stay away from Misinformation and Incorrect Reports

With the use of social media on the rise, it has become very easy to spread misinformation. Do not believe everything you read and watch on the internet. Double-check every information which seems to offend a particular party or cause.

Choose someone who walks the talk

It is important to select a person based on his past actions. Analyze his previous doings with his sayings. Has he been making tall promises? Or has he actually went out of his way to fulfill the promises he made? It’s important to observe the integrity of your leader in this aspect.

Choose an Influential Leader with a Firm Vision

Before you vote, make sure that the electoral candidate you are supporting has a firm vision. Think whether that vision is worthy or not. Ask yourself if the vision of your leader is directly beneficial for your country or it’s something that is not very significant for the progress and prosperity of your nation.

Select a Leader who is Down-to-Earth

Choose a leader who is humble and down-to-Earth. A person who has deep regards for the general public and who understands the basic problems rooted in the society of the common man will surely prioritize their needs.

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