How Spiritual Awakening Impacts Our Lives

Mak Peter
4 min readJan 26, 2021


What is Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual Awakening is an experience that dawns on us after one goes through intense mental exercise. The process of Spiritual Awakening helps in changing one’s perception of viewing the world. A person going through Spiritual Awakening experiences a change in their thought process, becoming more aware, conscious, factual, and realistic in their lives.

Paula Boodoosingh, in her autobiography, “One in 500-Million Sperm”, recalls how she underwent Spiritual Awakening in life. She tells how it impacted her life and led her to unfold some mysteries about her being that might have otherwise remained hidden.

Spiritual Awakening can only be felt from within. It does not come coercively or forcefully on the basis of someone’s insistence.

Effects of Spiritual Awakening:

  1. Serenity:

One tends to become more calm, composed, and peaceful. It’s common to develop a liking to admire nature and have pleasure in talking about the beauty of nature and everyday life.

2. Openness:

Mindfulness and meditation make the human mind more open to learning and open to understanding different perspectives. The openness of mind makes the person wiser and also develops a more realistic and unbiased approach toward any matter.

3. Overwhelming Emotions:

You develop a sense of forgiveness, love, gratitude, and piousness. When one thoroughly analysis God’s Divine being and His supremacy, he tends to become more patient, enduring, and loving to the people around him.

4. Rational Perception:

Spiritual Awakening helps us to form logical and erect solutions to different problems. We are no longer aggressive and quick to pass judgments. Our decisions are sound and reflective. And not influenced by external factors.

5. Isolation:

After being spiritually awakened, we tend to like spending time alone and being mindful of the various aspects of life. We ponder over our many decisions and focus on things that are vital to our existence. A productive mindset can only be built in isolation, away from the disturbances of worldly life.

6. Connection with the Almighty:

We tend to strengthen our connection with God. We get occupied in His remembrance. His praise, and seek His mercy in all matters in life. A firm faith in God helps us to stand head-strong in the face of adversity and makes us able to counter every challenge, hardship, trial, and tribulation, knowing that God will help us through — and He will.

Author’s Bio:

Paula Marie Ottley Woods Boodoosingh was simply named Paula Marie on her birth certificate. It wasn’t until age 22 that she became Paula Marie Ottley, assuming the surname of the man who raised her, whom she was told was her father.

Paula always knew she was different from her family. Not only was she born with the gifts of precognition and clairvoyance, and as a mnemonist with the extraordinary ability to recall vivid and detailed images, numbers, and dates throughout her life since she was an infant. Her book “One in 500-Million Sperm” ASIN: B08G3K3ZGK is an exciting autobiography highlighting the spiritual Awakening which leads her to uncover astonishing truths about her life.

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