Health-The Biggest Blessing in Life

Mak Peter
3 min readJan 20, 2021


In the core of our busy lives, many people are often found worrying and complaining over this or that. We are so used to dealing with hectic schedules that we tend to overlook the things we’re blessed with. Some of these are so essential to our lives, without which we might not be able to do what we do.

As the saying goes, “Health is Wealth.” But how many people have actually pondered over its vast importance in our lives and pays frequent gratitude for being healthy? In her book “Blessed to be Skipped,” Jocelyn Ali beautifully tells how life changes its course when one is deprived of it.

Appreciate it While You Have it

Nothing is permanent in this world. Every single thing which we may possess now might not be with us the next day, month, or year. Learn to appreciate being healthy. It is very important. If one began to pay gratitude for every single thing we’re blessed to have, we’d find ourselves contented, happy, and peaceful.

Be Compassionate

One can have the wisdom to help others with deteriorating health only when one completely understands its importance. If you have ever experienced disability or any kind of disease in your life, you must be determined to help out anyone going through that phase. If you’re fortunate to be in such a position, lend out a helping hand in any way you can.

Never Take Your Health for Granted

Many of us subconsciously resort to activities that can harm our health. Smoking a cigarette, drinking alcohol, taking drugs,

Caring for Mental Health

In a state of depression, people develop major mental health issues. The majority of these do not consult a psychiatrist to help them out. Mental health care should be treated with equal importance as physical health. One cannot undermine its existence just because it is less talked about and cannot be visually observed in a person. If you feel you’re being affected by it and that your mind is continuously clouded with negative thoughts and anxiety, refer to a doctor as soon as you can.

While our mind is brimming with thoughts of the many unattended tasks every day, make it a habit to take a break and practice to be simply grateful for all the things you have. And you’ll soon observe how your life takes a turn for the better.

Author’s bio

Jocelyn Ali is an accounting professional who served in the health care field for almost 20 years. Her story is a depiction of the many hurdles a woman has to experience in her life. She has compiled her life events in her book Blessed to be Skipped” ISBN: 1913969215, in which she has expressed what one goes through if any member of the family encounters major health issues.

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