What is Autophagy?
Autophagy is a way to clean out the damaged cells to regenerate new, healthier cells. The word Autophagy is of Greek origin which translates to “Self-eating”. During this process, the old cells are replaced by newer cells, helping your body to function more efficiently. It also makes the body biologically younger, active, and fast to recover.
Michael Del Buono, in his book “Autophagy and Fasting Step-By-Step Guide”, explains the importance of Autophagy and its various benefits for the human body. This book presents a number of ways how Autophagy can be adapted into a healthy habit to make our lives better. One of the ways to practice Autophagy is through Fasting.
Benefits of Fasting:
Fasting has numerous benefits. Not only it is a way to lose weight but also helps to reduce cholesterol, improve the digestion system and metabolism, lowers blood pressure, etc. Fasting has proved to be an efficient way to trigger Autophagy as well. Not having to eat and drink for more than 14 or 15 hours, causes reversible deprivation of nutrients, which helps your cells to respond more actively, by cleaning out the damaged cells.
Observing intermittent Fasting is most commonly practiced. Intermittent Fasting is when one refrains from eating within a specific time interval; consecutive long hours during the day or for few days in a week.
Autophagy basically targets a wide range of diseases, such as infectious diseases, metabolic conditions, cancers, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. Through Fasting, the body encourages cellular repair, prompts insulin level and gene expression, to increase longevity and overcome metabolic conditions. Intermittent Fasting burns the fat stored in the body by preserving the muscle tissues, and thereby through starvation, a degradation process is stimulated when cells are starved.
Autophagy is a great way to increase immune defense and prevent oneself from many diseases. It’s extremely beneficial to those who are suffering from various health conditions. It optimizes the homeostasis. Because of its many benefits, researches are now being conducted to make drugs that would stimulate Autophagy to counter various diseases.
Author’s Bio:
Michael Del Buono, is a health practitioner who operates on Autophagy and a healthy lifestyle. He strongly believes that the true way of living a healthy and nutritious life is to train your body as well as your mind. Throughout his life, he has advocated the benefits of Autophagy, and how it plays a huge role in our life in combating several illnesses, obesity, and potential health threats. His book, “Autophagy and Fasting Step-By-Step Guide” ISBN: 1952263344, is his masterpiece, where he informs the readers about the abundant advantages of Autophagy and the science behind it.
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